My own ORiginal White Claw™ Branded Ad
I create a branded original advertisement for White Claw Spiked Seltzers. I wanted to take White Claw’s originally branding and marketing efforts and integrate it with their current efforts. When I was researching White Claw, I noticed that when they first started, their content was fun, bubbly, and colorful in order to set the stage to how they wanted people to incorporate White Claws into their lives. On the other hand, now that they are leaders in the spiked seltzer space, their images and advertisements changed and are based in nature and are mostly black and white with pops of color coming from a can of White Claw. That is why my White Claw advertisement is within the greyscale with a pop of color coming from the Black Cherry can of White Claw. Additionally, included bubbles on the top of the can and in the background to convey how White Claws are “Good, Clean, and Fun” alcoholic beverages to consume. I also wanted to take the design further and enlarge the white claw wave to incorporate the nature aspect that White Claw is currently utilizing in their most of their recent marketing efforts. Lastly, I used the exact text and font from the original  White Claw ads that were created for their release in order to capture White Claw's story.
*Disclaimer: Not affiliated with White Claw™. Created for a class assignment.*
Invitation for my brother's wedding

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